Another fantastic meeting last night, filled with fun and laughs. As always, it is great seeing everyone! What I like the most about these meetings is the meeting after the meeting, watching folks build relationships with one another. That’s what this is all about, laughs, good times, and fellowship. So on to the next…
Saturday in the Park with special guest, Eric of Ham Radio Concepts
We are getting together this Saturday, February 25th, from 10:00 to 2:00, at John Prince Park to do HF work on phone and CW with our sister club the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. There will be plenty of time to do all other kinds of contacts that folks would like to do.
We are going to have a special guest. Eric from Ham Radio Concepts will be joining us and doing a video on our club. Eric hosts one of the most popular YouTube channels on Ham Radio, so you probably have seen him here – Ham Radio Concepts
Bring food, drink and snacks for yourself, and anything you may like to share, and radio gear if you’d like to participate. We also have some frozen hot dogs and hamburgers from our picnic and Richard will be cooking that up for us again. Thank you, Richard!
Are you new to amateur radio? Thinking about getting your license? Or maybe you’re just curious about events like this. Stop by! We are an open and friendly club and welcome all new visitors.
Click here for directions – Saturday in The Park & Directions – WPBARG Forums