For those of you who attended our March meeting this year, we had a special guest, Mark Wohlschlegel, WC3W, who gave an in-person presentation on the DX Marathon contest. See here – https://wpbarg.com/2023/03/15/this-months-meeting/
This contest runs all year, and all you need to do is submit what you’ve already logged for the past year. The rules are straightforward, and the submission time is Jan 1-5 2024. They have a submission tool so you can check your logs prior to submitting them.
Why not join the fastest growing DX program in the world? This will be my first year, and while I didn’t do a lot of DXing this year, I am curious to see how this program works and how I did.
Here is the link – https://dxmarathon.com/
See here for more information – https://wpbarg.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=411