While the weather is cool, this will be a monthly, informal get-together that will include radio work for those who are interested. All are invited. We are also going to coordinate this with our affiliate club, the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club (FLARC), in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, to make HF contacts up there.
On some months we will provide food and drink. Bring food, drink and snacks for yourself, and anything you may like to share, and radio gear if you’d like to participate. If you don't have any HF gear, no worries, we share!
As always, everyone is invited… members, non-members, participants and observers, come one, come all!
When you enter the park, follow Prince Dr for about 8/10 of a mile. You will see the parking lot on your right hand side. If you come to the end of the road, you've passed that by a few hundred feet.
Note: Saturday In The Park runs from October through May. Reminders are posted on our main page.
For directions in Google Maps just enter,"WPBARG Saturday in the Park," it's not case sensitive.