This is a once a year event and we will begin setting up Saturday morning, June 24th, and continuing through Sunday afternoon, June 25th, at American Legion Post 47. We will be posting more specific times and directions, so stay tuned!
Our resident satellite expert, Ed (KN4ZAA), has volunteered to assist others in working the birds. Working satellites is a rewarding challenge, and I can’t think of anyone better than Ed to assist people in making their first contact, and getting folks who have made contacts better and more comfortable in satellite work. This is a great opportunity! For more information or to open a conversation with Ed, click this link – Field Day Satellite opps – WPBARG Forums
In addition to satellite work, we will be working different modes on different bands on a variety of equipment. We will have equipment for you to use or you can bring your own. This is a great opportunity to have some fun, meet some great people, and hone your skills! Or join us just to see what this is all about. We will have other experienced operators there to help you get started or learn more about what we do.
As with every event we sponsor, everyone is invited… members, non-members, participants and observers, come one, come all!