This morning Randy KO4WTM and Dave WD4LLQ attended a press event and demonstrated Morse code at the Cox Science Center.
This evening I joined them for the Cox Science Center’s premier of their exhibit, Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition.
Our area received a lot of interest, and that’s not surprising given the transceiver array that Dave WD4LLQ and Jim KO4UYW built. This is a picture of it. The receiver, tuner, and spark gap transmitter were all fabricated by hand. This wasn’t a kit. This was hand-built from scratch. Dave is a very talented guy, and Jim served with the elite Seabees during Vietnam. These two guys can build anything, and they didn’t have a lot of time to do it. They were under a tight timeline. This display wouldn’t be complete without Bruce KB4SWP designing and creating the backdrop banner, which I had a lesson on tonight!
More pictures and discussion – WPBARG Forums
More information of the exhibit –