We had an excellent meeting this past Wednesday to a full house, with several people representing our local government in Palm Beach County attending.
I have spoken with the Emergency Program Coordinator, Division of Emergency Management, for Palm Beach County, and we are excited to make the following announcement.
In July, there will be a CERT training. For those interested, this is a great opportunity to be involved in our community. The CERT program is administered and supported nationally by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and I would encourage this course for anyone who is looking to increase their skills in disaster preparedness, including medical operations, search and rescue, terrorism, disaster psychology, and more.
Click here to register – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-emergency-response-team-program-cert-loxahatchee-registration-912068610767?aff=oddtdtcreator
Members, be sure to see our information on this upcoming CERT training here – https://wpbarg.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=556