On April 29th, we will be having our monthly “Saturday in the Park.” Come and join us before the weather gets too warm!
Our portable operations this month will include phone and CW. If anyone has another mode they’d like to operate, come on down and give it a run!
We will be working with our partner club, FLARC, in Fair Lawn New Jersey.
Set up starts at 10:00 a.m. Some folks get there a little earlier, and we run till we’re done, usually around 2:00 or so.
Directions can be found here – Saturday in The Park & Directions – WPBARG Forums
As always, everyone is invited… members, non-members, participants and observers, come one, come all!
Note: This month’s ”Saturday in the Park,” coincides with the Florida 2023 QSO Party. Come out and join us for this event! For more information on the QSO Party click here – The 2023 Florida QSO Party – Saturday, April 29th – WPBARG Forums