As the dog days of summer are behind us, the cooler weather approaches and we will be kickoffing our Saturday in the Park by hosting a picnic with it.
Do you have portable gear? Bring it! It’s a picnic and a Run What You Brung, Saturday in the Park!
In addition to the picnic, we’re going to have some portable fun. Don’t have any portable gear? No problem… we share! Come on out, have some fun, and maybe get some ideas if you’re thinking of building your own go box, or share your ideas with others who may be considering building theirs.
This is where we get together for laughs and fun, while we play radio. Come join us!
We will also be hosting an equipment sale, and the deals will be made!
Set-up starts at 10:00 a.m. and usually wraps up by 2:00. Some folks like to get there a little earlier.
Directions can be found here – Saturday in The Park & Directions – WPBARG Forums
As always, everyone is invited… members, non-members, participants and observers, come one, come all!